Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Is douching desperate 4 you?

IDK IM JUST ASKIN..Is douching desperate 4 you?
Yes. Douching washes away the intuitive secretions and friendly microbes that keep your vagina nutritious and infection-free. It also unbalances the pH, which can be the tipping point for a yeast or bacterial infection. At worst, it can push bacteria far up into your reproductive tract, which can front to pelvic inflammatory disease.
The vagina is self-cleaning, and needs no abet. :)
once a month after your period, might be ok, but essentially doctors say you exact lots of yeast and other infections by messing with the instinctive balance contained by your vagina. so really i wouldnt bother.
its not bad for you, but it can be overdone and bring problems if it upsets the normal match of bacteria, and pH, and such
dont overdo it, and use something enormously gentle
You body does it for you readily. You do not need to douche.
i douche once a month and my doctor told me its fine as long as u dont over do it, she also recommended not using the ones that are fatty with fragrance as those can really upset the be a foil for of your vagina, she said to use the ones that are just vinegar and river :)

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