Saturday, October 23, 2010

I'm worried roughly her...?

So last dark I was chitchat to my girlfriend and she tells me she have been have really bad chest pains and that they are right by her heart. So with ease I am scared to destruction because my grandfather died of heart disease. Her mom is a nurse and is scared that it is something serious.. I love her and can't accept the thought of losing her.. Oh and by the way she is 14 I am 13 and don't afford me any crap about how you can't love her your with the sole purpose 13 but yeah I love this girl more than life itsself! So please relief me should I be worried? Is it growing pains? Or does it sound similar to something worse? :(.I'm worried roughly her...?
I would say she wants to get it checked out. It's probably nil serious because she is so young, but it is unquestionably worth checking to be on the safe side.
Sounds similar to panic or anxiety attacks, which enjoy the same symptoms as heart problems. She should walk to the doctor.
i had like peas in a pod thing. they said its heartburn, or acerbic reflux. im sure shes fine, have her walk to the doctor.
Her mother, who is a nurse, is scared that it is something serious? Her mother desires to take this child to the doctor to be see. It is her duty as a mother and ESPECIALLY as a nurse.

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