Thursday, October 21, 2010

Im 5'5'', in the order of. && i weigh 130+ pounds. im underneath 16 also. is this common? how much counterweight should i loose?

Im 5'5'', in the order of. && i weigh 130+ pounds. im underneath 16 also. is this common? how much counterweight should i loose?
im 5'3 and 130 lbs is my ideal mass for my hieght and build
i would say 130 lbs is devout for your hieght, depending on your body frame you may want to lose or gain a couple pounds
if you are very slim *narrow shoulders and hips* 130 may be to substantial and to remedie that you should tone your muscles not diet
if you are built thicker with huge shoulders and hips gaining a few lbs may not be a discouraging idea
i hold wide shoulders and hips if i lost any weightiness i would look ematiated you would be able to see my ribs (not healthy)
dont permit the standard of society guide you in your goal on how you want to look. you should look healthy and if you didnt gain or lose any wieght im sure you would look athletic not sickly thin or chubby
but if you are still concerned roughly your weight turn for a 45 min walk everyday that will minister to you keep surrounded by shape
good luck
Weight doesn't really jump by how old you are but youre distance from the ground. At 5'5 that's kinda tall, so I would vote youre ok.

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